My name is Bettina Heer and I was born on 7 April 1993 in Niederuzwil (Switzerland). Since I was a child, I have been dreaming of working professionally with languages. Early on, I began writing texts about anything I was confronted with as a young adult, as well as about what I was dreaming of for my own future. But never would I have dared to show the texts to anyone or publish even a single line. In 2014, I finally published my first novel “Die Seelenverwandten” (“The Soulmates”) on Books on Demand and so far, I have sold around 200 copies.
In 2011, I graduated from the cantonal school of Wattwil with the main subject Latin. That was the point when I decided to make languages my very own universe. Directly after graduating from high school, I started my Bachelor’s studies in “Applied Linguistics” (previously: Translation) at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences in Winterthur. After three years of studies, I completed a 9-month internship at a renowned translation agency in Winterthur. In February 2015, I continued with Master’s studies in specialized translation at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences. During the following three semesters, I was able to improve my linguistic skills even more, learnt a great deal about the cultural aspects of each language and qualified as a professional translator when I finished my Master of Arts in Specialized Translation in July 2016.
After my diploma, I gained some initial experience in the translation division of a major food company and later in a successful and experienced online marketing agency. I gathered experience in online marketing and text editing. Furthermore, I gained great insight into search engine optimization.
At the beginning of 2018, I went on a world trip with my boyfriend, truly cultivating the fascination I have always had for foreign cultures and languages outside of Switzerland. After this impactful experience, I knew that the time for my own projects had come and founded my own company Heer Translation.